11 March 2004

The So-Called "Liberal" Media: The Acid Test

Finally, we have a very easy, very clear way to determine exactly how biased -- either liberally or conservatively -- the mainstream news media is.

President Bush has been giving away sleepovers at both the White House and Camp David to major campaign contributors and other lobbyists. Remember how much trouble President Clinton got into when this came out? Remember how much the Republicans howled about how "the White House was for sale"?

So let's see how much of a story the media makes of not just the story itself, but the hypocrisy of Dumb-ya. If it's anything less than wall-to-wall 24-hour coverage for about a week, I'd say it's pretty positive proof that the mainstream media are conservatively, not liberally, biased. We may even rank the news channels and/or major newspapers based on how much or little time/space they give this story. Anyone want to take bets on exactly how silent Faux News will be on this one?

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