16 March 2004

Portrait of a Moron

No, this is not about Bush ... :)

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the guy who's causing all of you to get so much spam. Orlando Soto (naturally he's named Orlando!) is the biggest sort of fool -- one who not only responds to spam, but spends thousands of dollars a year buying junk from spammers.

He and people like him, we are told repeatedly in the article, are what keep spammers going. If they stopped buying, say the spammers, even the relatively low cost of spamming would be too much to make it worth the spammer's efforts. It's the addicts, the serial buyers like Orlando Soto that make the whole enterprise profitable.

Before you try to defend Mr. Soto from my harsh name-calling, may I remind you that not only is this assclown so stupid that he actually spends money supporting spam, but that he's so big a moron that he's made his full name and likeness publicly available?

Resolved: Orlando Soto = biggest idiot on Earth.

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