01 November 2003

Bush War Lies #33

I really can't put it any better than the Guardian did ...

Rebel war spirals out of control as US intelligence loses the plot

Luckily for England, they have no Faux News to pull the wool over their eyes, and as a result the man on the street has a pretty clear view of the utter and complete mess we're making over there. The idea of bringing democracy to the Middle East isn't an un-noble aim, but shoving it down people's throats just doesn't work -- and we're not even doing that particularly well.

The Muslim world sees this effort now -- quite correctly, in my view -- as The New Crusades (a view General Boykin apparently shares), and they are not going to even entertain the idea of letting that dangerous concept escape the borders of Iraq. If you think things are bad now, just wait till we announce that we're going after Syria or Iran next ...

As you read the Guardian story, ask yourself this question: where in the US could I get this sort of unvarished truth, this level of actual journalism (ie not just rewriting press releases), this sort of on-the-ground, fact-based, objective reporting?

The answer, I'm sorry to say, is nowhere. Get it through your heads: there is no liberal media in America, unless you count some parts of the blogosphere.

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