30 September 2003

Become a Good American.

Today, I did the most patriotic thing I have ever done in the United States (other than voting, which I've done in every election since 1980 of course). I put my money where my mouth is. I donated money to a presidential campaign and became a Dean Sustainer. I encourage everyone reading this blog to do the same, but if you're not a Dean supporter yet (or you haven't made up your mind), become an ePatriot instead: make a sustaining (monthly) donation to the Democrats.

To those of you reading this who are third-party supporters (Greens, etc): sometimes you have to crawl before you can walk. Getting George Bush and his fascist regime out of office is more important than anything else. It is paramount, and with an expected $175M fundraising machine and the simpletons of the heartland (as well as at least three TV "news" networks) behind him, you may be surprised to learn that his routing will not come easy. Put a progressive candidate like Dean in office, and it will benefit third parties in ways you cannot even imagine now. Keep Bush in office by splitting the left vote, and you may doom the very existence of the idea of a third party to the dustbin of history. This really can't be understated.

I urge everyone reading this to change their registration to Democrat -- at least in time for the primary in your state. You can change it back after the primary, but in many states non-major-party registered voters cannot participate in the primaries, and that means you don't get to help choose who will defeat Bush. My wife and I are registered Green (both because we agree with many of the party's principles, and because we lend our support in the name of helping all third-party candidates and initiatives get on ballots). However, we will be changing our registration tomorrow to Democrat until after the primary. We want to have a voice in choosing who Democratic nominee will be. You should too.

(If you haven't registered to vote at all, get your lazy butt off the computer and register! It's your patriotic duty and it's more important now than it's been in over a decade.)

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