01 May 2002

Smuggle back some real fish 'n' chips for me

Well, my brother-in-law Mark is off to England for a few months. Good time to take a break from America, that's for sure. He'll be working for the Tories at Parliament, which I'm sure will be an eye-opening experience in a number of ways. I wonder if he'll gain some wisdom by comparing and contrasting the Conservatives to the Republicans back here?

Anyway, we wish Mark well and hope he'll send back a few digital pictures and updates (hint, hint).

Speaking of Republicans ... no, let's not go there just yet. This is a new blog and I want to futz around with it for a while before I sully it with political commentary (read: shoot my mouth off too much). If you'd like to see a visual aid that will quickly tell you where I'm at politically, just read Tom Tomorrow's site. I'm usually in accordance with him.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge and thank the guy who inspired me to start this blog in the first place -- Rich Grula, owner/operator of The Suburban Limbo. I knew about blogs before Rich told me about his,but his is so gosh-darn good that I was inspired to find an outlet for my late-night ramblings. I'll put up a permanent link to it in due course.

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